Business Office
Business Office Directory
The Business Office is located in the Administrative Building. It is under the leadership of Dr. Joni Mansmann, Director of Business and Finance, who has responsibility for all of the District’s finances and business-related operations. They include the coordination and preparation of the annual budget, financial reporting, and audits. The Business Office is also responsible and coordinates school district investments, purchasing, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, accounting and employee benefits; as well as oversight of the Food Service Department. The Business Office acts as a liaison with the Washington County and local tax collector offices. In addition, the Director of Business and Finance assists in the negotiation of employee contracts, building projects and facilitates the District’s Food Advisory Committee.
- Washington County Real Estate Tax
- Canonsburg Borough
for Canonsburg Borough
- North Strabane Township
for North Strabane Twp.
- Jordan Tax Service
for Cecil Township