If your child will need medication or specialty care due to a medical condition/allergy during school hours, please click on the form(s) in order to view and print those that are needed. Each year you must provide the school with updated forms for your child. Please have your doctor complete these forms and they can be scanned, faxed, or dropped off to the nurse prior to the start of the school year. If you have questions regarding which form is needed, please contact the nurse in your building.
Nurse's Notes
Medical Conditions/Medication During School Hours
Vaccinations are required for children to attend school in Pennsylvania. The new regulations took effect at the start of the 2017/18 school year.
A record of immunizations is maintained for each student. If your child receives additional immunizations, please send this information in to your school nurse so the school record can be kept up to date.
If your child is on Medicaid, is uninsured, or is Native American/Alaskan, you can contact the Washington County Health Department at (724) 223-4540, to schedule an appointment to receive the needed vaccine(s) free of charge. You will need a copy of your child’s immunization record in order to make the necessary appointment.
Required Health Exams by grade
Medical Examination: Grades 1, 6 and 11
Dental Examination: Grades 1, 3 and 7
Immunizations Required: Grades K, 7 and 12
Please see the above immunization information to determine which immunizations are required. Documentation of immunizations must be turned in prior to the first day of school.
- Private or School Physical Examination
- Private Dentist Report
- Authorization for Medication During School Hours
- Allergy Action Plan
- Food Allergy Form for Cafeteria
- Seizure Action Plan